Originally Posted by RetroGunslinger
I probably would and I have a few friends who would, but not many. I live in the South, so it comes with the territory that people are going to be a little conservative.
That said, I don't think anyone wants to see my pale naked ass.
Edit: And punkmusicfan21, I know EXACTLY where you're coming from. Theatre kids 4 life.
hahaha I finished a musical sunday night and open a Shakespearean play tomorrow. For Midsummer Night's Dream all of the principals change in the same room. Me, Puck (who is played by and female), and the four lovers were all having a conversation about the dress we did tonight while all of us were almost completely naked. We're having an opening night party tomorrow/my going away party. At least one of those girls and I are going to be playing a little "nipple or dare"... dear god I'm in my twenties haha.
Hopefully Hermia