We've never had a problem with the Police or Deputies here, but then we do run a gunshop on a farm in the middle of buttfuck, so it's kind-of expected. Plus there are a few other locals who do the same thing, so as long as you're not visibly intoxicated and waving the thing in the air, you probably won't get hassled up here. The only possible wrench in the works is a tourist from the city, but they're not terribly common*, thankfully, and the Sheriff would probably laugh at them and tell them to calm down and get used to it.
In a big city it can be a different story. Lots of cops don't know that open carry is legal, and it can be a problem if some easily-panicked waterhead calls 911.
*The one exception: bikers. My area gets a -lot- of bikers. Somehow, they never seem to mind the guns either.