Originally Posted by BadNick
I also love caviar. That fishy oily crunch is a wonderful taste and texture. I usually like it on a nice thin piece of good toasted bread or a cracker, first covered with a thin spread of cream cheese, then drizzle or spoon on the caviar...I like the cream cheese taste plus it holds the fish eggies secured while you're shoving it into your mouth; I also like a little chopped onion and chopped hardboiled egg on it sometimes...sort of standard ways to offer caviar.
Lately I'm also finding the use of good caviar on sushi rolls to be quite to my liking...and I don't mean just the tobiko and salmon eggs, but even traditional caviars are being included on sushi around here...as if sushi wasn't already expensive enough.
If you're ever in the area, you can come over and try some Beluga. Trust me, you won't need sour cream or onions with it and after you can sleep on my couch. I always get really comfortable after eating caviar (of course that might be because I usually serve it for Thanksgiving).