I think everyone should be sterilized at birth. Then when they get 25 and score above 110 on an IQ test should they be able to have the procedure reversed and allowed to conceive.. That's just wishful thinking though...
I'm not against IVF, hell I think people that actually go though the trouble of having a child usually end up being more responsible parents anyway.
I'm all for adoption though. I think the need to have your own child is a primal instinct that's manifested itself as a conscious desire. Maybe it's because I have shitty genes.
I'm naming my first kid Cher.. Not like the singer.. but like Chernobyl because they'll be the result of one big fucking accident.
“It is better to be rich and healthy than poor and sick” - Dave Barry
Last edited by Reese; 08-14-2008 at 05:26 PM..