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Old 08-14-2008, 11:58 AM   #1 (permalink)
MIC or Minor In Consumption, Help!!!

First off im going to start with the fact that yes I am uner the age of 18, but that does not entitle me to be denied of information.

On August 11, 2008 I was ticketed for MIC, Minor in Consumption.

What I would like to know is it legal to wake somone up to make them blow for a BAC Test.

Ive been trying to find this information for a while and just cant seem to find it, If there is no one here that can help me then I geuss I will go to a local attorny and ask my question there.

I was awakend by 3 officers on a friends couch and forced to blow for a BAC test, I blew a .029, but the officer recorded it as a .024 on the ticket.

Also The officer was going through my possesions without my knowledge, I had a backpack on the table which was covering a book, was it legal for him to uncover my book and show it to the other officers?

And my last point on first arriving at the appartment the police were standing outside of the view of the peephole, I think the officers had legal right to enter the appartment with suspicion of illegal activity, am I wrong?
Tofer098 is offline  

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