Originally Posted by dlish
no thats turbulence inside the water. like underwater waves i guess.
in shallow water you get the turbulence bouncing back at you and slowing you down.
Right, which explains why deeper pools are faster. Wasn't that what you asked in your last post?
Originally Posted by dlish
definately a huge difference between swimming in shallow and swimming in deep water. maybe someones got some answer here?
Back to the OP: When i first saw that green line across the pool that indicates the world record pace (on NBC) I was excited by it. Now with all the records being broken, I'm not as excited as I once was.
I watched a bit of men's synchronized diving with my daughter last night. I don't understand the appeal of that sport.
Last night, the commentators on NBC viewed the results of the gymnastics before the broadcast. Somehow that makes their commentary even more annoying (if that's possible).