Assisted Reproductive Technology
I'm curious to see where the members of TFP stand on various means of achieving pregnancy. There's obviously a wide range of reasons to need ART from a man/woman relationship with fertility issues, single women wishing to become mothers, gay and lesbian couples wishing to become parents, etc (is there an etc?). There's also a wide range within ART of the amount of technology used: insemination w/or w/out medication, IVF, PGD, surrogacy, donated gametes and many combinations of the above and I'm sure others that I haven't mentioned.
Speaking for myself, I'm married and have a husband that has idiopathic ooligospermia. Basically he has enough sperm for IVF, but not enough for an insemination. We tried IVF twice with no success before turning donor sperm insemination. The latter allowed us to fulfill our dream of making a family and we're about to embark on this journey again.