There is a ton of stuff to absorb there... I will answer one part: what do you think of the rumsfeld doctrine?
Privatization is a key part of The Chicago School's approach to neo-liberalism. Rumsfeld is a disciple of Milton Friedman. It shouldn't be surprising that he (and the rest of the Bush administration) would push for this sort of approach to things. As to what I think of it, it is exactly what was needed to prevent the sort of situation that arose in Vietnam. Having a private army (i.e. one you've paid for) is always better than one you have to raise from the populace (or, worse yet, conscript). The messages coming home (that you can't control by non-disclosure agreements) are different in tone. The cash flow of public money into private hands is as it should be (in the neo-liberal point of view). And when things do go wrong, a private company is at arms length.
There's more but suffice it to say but I will leave it at that.
"My hands are on fire. Hands are on fire. Ain't got no more time for all you charlatans and liars."
- Old Man Luedecke