I feel you on that. I've got a friend who likes to play medic (though mostly because he sucks at everything else). He sticks to me much like your friend sticks to you. It is nice. I tell him to heal other people though because when I have a medic on me like that, I usually blow it. I guess it's too much pressure for me.
It's not like it mattered too much or even at all to me that he stuck to you. I mean, we did dominate the entire time. It also doesn't bother me that sticking to one person doesn't always help a team win (I'm guilty of doing it every now and again myself). The only part that really bothered me was and always will be with any medic is that if I'm next to you with less than full, then at the very least fill me up. Don't even do it for me or the team. Do it to help fill your uber bar faster.
As for the update, yeah this one seems ridiculous. I love the boxing gloves already. I can imagine server-wide boxing-fests already. I've been reading around, and some people are speculating that the secondary unlock is a sandwich to replace the shotty. Taunting with it will heal X amount of health. The primary unlock is another minigun that is suppose to make whoever it hits with it do less damage and move slower. I don't know how much I can believe those, but by far the KGB dominates those.