Originally Posted by ottopilot
Until our government can demonstrate their ability to manage our money responsibly, it's absolutely moronic to hand them another single dime. Corruption and incompetence run rampant at all levels of government. Unless we hold the politicians to the same standards we are expected to live under, we deserve what we get.
Well, except for the fact that if you don't send them your dimes, they'll send you to PIMTA prison.
Balancing the budget is one thing that I really wish we could address, and neither of the current presidential candidates have really addressed it. I personally have more hope (uh-oh) that Obama will be fiscally responsible than McCain, but right now neither of their budget proposals will balance the budget.
IMHO, one of the things we *must* do to balance the budget is cut military spending. Say, in half. Of course, that will *never* *ever* fly in the current political environment, especially if it came from a democrat. Even Clinton's modest (peacetime!) military budget cuts were decried as 'destroying the military' and opening our country to imminent invasion (invasion by who, I wonder?).
Right now the US spends more on our military than the other countries in the world. All of them. Combined. Sure, we need a strong military, but do we really need the capability to wipe out the entire rest of the planet?