Puppy is urinating constantly! Need advice!
I have a ten week old female chocolate lab named Rory. She was doing really good as far as house training was going and now it seems as though she can not hold her urine. She has a healthy appetite and we feed her three times a day. She has access to water all day until 8 pm. She will run around and play and does not act like she is in any pain or discomfort.
Here is my dilemma. I take her outside frequently as she is a puppy and I realize she needs to relieve herself often. However, once outside, she will pee two to three times. I will then bring her inside and she will be sitting next to the door again within fifteen minutes. If I don't take her out (there is no way she has to go again!) she'll pee! I'll clean it up and more often then not, she'll pee again within another short period of time. She understands that she needs to go to the door and this is where she usually has her accidents.
My question...does she have a bladder infection? I called the vet and she said it could be or it could just be behavioral, but she didn't sound very concerned. Has anyone had experience with this? I don't want to spend $100 on something that is just behavioral, but I don't want her to be in pain either. There is no blood in her urine and she holds it all night while in her kennel.
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