I applied for a Master's program at the University in Iceland once, back in 2001. It was my pretext for coming to Iceland... to have a reason to be here. Upon my arrival and visiting the department, I realized how tenuous that reason was. It was an asinine idea (of mine) to be studying for an MA (in English Lit, of all things!) in Iceland--I dropped the program within 3 days and just enrolled as a foreign student, no program, just taking whatever classes I wanted. It gave me the experience I was really looking for, without being trapped in a program that I didn't truly want to be a part of, anyway. I did 2 semesters, basically for fun, and then went home.
Of course, there was no love interest, but I think that would only have served as a catalyst, anyway. My heart wasn't in that program at the time--it was just the "next thing" to do. Is that how you feel about this Master's, or is it something else? What about her PhD program? Can either of you defer your entrances for a semester or so, to give this a chance?
I guess this is all to say that I find it's easier to quit something before it's begun, than to quit something in the middle of it (like my PhD program right now). So if you can delay your Master's program, or apply for it again... then go for it (and if your sojourn to the NL goes well). But I guess if it's a now-or-never thing with school, then start it this fall, and see how it goes... and see her at Christmas, I guess.
And think not you can direct the course of Love;
for Love, if it finds you worthy, directs your course.
--Khalil Gibran