Originally Posted by Baraka_Guru
Pan, are you suggesting America needs more socialism to solve its economic problems? Is that the only way?
Right now yes. The greed of the ultra rich.... and I'm not talking about the poor schlub that has a couple rental properties and savings but the extreme wealthy who have controlled the media to sell these poor schlubs the belief that they will be taxed out of everything they own...... has destroyed this country.
What happened with Reagan was the unions became weak, management became powerful and unchecked.
The unions were greedy and had damaged this country and for the past years management has now taken that spot.
Back to your question.... lol..... yes, either we socialize wages and this country to a manageable degree or companies and CEO's do it on their own.... or we continue to collapse and in the end that will cost more than just taxes to everyone.
When you beat men down to the point where they feel they have nothing to lose .... and there are many getting that way in this country...... the only reaction is to fight back, because they have nothing to lose. They worked hard to prevent it, doping the population with Paxil, WellButrin, Prozac etc, then doping the kids with Adderall and Ritalin. The people saw all this happening but didn't care. Then, the pharms got greedy, the meds rose, wages and insurance didn't, people couldn't afford the "meds" and now they are waking up. They don't like what they see.
That is why the powers that be have given us 2 of the worst candidates in the history of this country.