So here comes my bi-annual rant against NBC and their Olympic coverage.
They scored a major coup in getting the Beijing organizers to re-schedule high profile events like swimming finals to be live for the East Coast, and thus in the AM for Asia. Which is great, I guess. Except that NBC has now screwed over the West Coast. Why, NBC, why?? The 4x100m men's freestyle relay has just happened, and it's probably not going to be on the TV here for another 2 hours. That's complete bullshit. Right now it's still the damn gymnastics preliminaries that are taking up the TV.
The freestyle relay seemed exciting, as best I could tell from hitting 'refresh' on Couldn't really get my attempts at proxy access to international TV feeds to work. Curse you, NBC.
On the other hand, it was nice to discover that they have an all-basketball (as well as all-soccer) channel that shows everything live and without commercials. So I saw the US/China game at 7:15 in the morning, which was a great way to spend a lazy Sunday morning.
Why can't NBC just show their primetime coverage live to everyone in the US? The Super Bowl ain't on tape delay for the West Coast.