I wish it were legal, for pricing and quality control's sake.
I once had laced bud, and did ridiculous shit that put me in risk of being beaten up, arrested multiple times in about an hour in a half, which include yelling "I'm so hiiiiiiiigh" with my hands on my head while stumbling around, in front of cops; banging on the teller's window (and dragging my hands down on it desperately) in Grand Central Station asking to go home, and for help getting there, repeating myself way too many times, and freestyling (terribly) at 4 am on the subway. All of this while wearing a tuxedo. (It was after prom night). I couldn't believe it when I heard it, but several people told me the same thing.
(and I could not remember those hours myself)
But hey, you just gotta know a guy who knows a guy that's trustworthy enough.