Originally Posted by kate jack
What is the best way to handle it when someone really angers you on a message board?
Recently at another forum, someone called me a troll. In this thread that I started there was nothing trollish, however, some of my questions indicated a lack of knowledge on the subject being discussed.
The person had already called me a troll twice before. This time I reacted, telling her to stop. This began a long fight on this thread.
How do you think it's the best way to handle it when someone really angers you on a message board? Ignore it? Stand up for yourself?
I agree with kazoo. I had something similar to this happen to me around the first of the year. I signed up on a sailing forum looking for some basic info. and advice. I was asking questions about customs and visa requirements while also stating I'd been to this port and that. I failed to mention my port visits were 20+ years ago aboard a US Navy vessel. Really it was a simple misunderstanding but I got a pretty hostile message back almost immediately. So I stopped posting there, immediately. Then about a month later I got several e-mail messages that were really hostile, GFY hostile. I ignored them, they stopped, problem solved.
Really if you think about it you have to wonder why someone would choose to spend time and energy having hostile conversations with people they don't know on an on-line message board or via e-mail. Seriously people don't have enough problems IRL, they have to find on-line problems to deal with too?
There a lot of crazy people out there, avoid joining their ranks, ignore it.