Originally Posted by ratbastid
See, this is what I'm talking about. Poverty is a joke to the right-wing.
Evidently the solution to high unemployment is to yell at the lazy bums to get jobs. 
When did I ever say I was right-wing? I can not recall ever saying so, I do recall saying I was a Libertarian. Oh I see, by my stance on people leeching off of others, with no intention of ever getting off the government's tit, makes me right-wing.
Evidently if your able-bodied you should be out looking for work instead of drinking a 40 on your section 8 stoop at 11 am.
I did find plenty of numbers also here are just a few though,
It's Drugs, Alcohol and Tobacco, Stupid!
The more than 500,000 newborns exposed each year to drugs and/or alcohol during pregnancy is a slaughter of innocents of biblical proportions. Crack babies, a rarity a decade ago, crowd $2,000aomgday neonatal wards. Many die. Each survivor can cost one million dollars to bring to adulthood. Fetal alcohol syndrome is a top cause of birth defects.
Because substance use is a covert behavior, its true prevalence within the welfare
population is unknown. Due to differing definitions and data sources, published prevalence
estimates vary widely, from 6.6 to 37 percent of those receiving public aid (Olson and Pavetti
1996). The 1992 National Household Survey of Drug Abuse (NHSDA) indicated that 15.5
percent of AFDC recipients were impaired by drugs or alcohol, a rate twice that observed among
non-AFDC recipients (U.S. Department of Health and Human Services 1994).
Now from the second quote, if 15% of NYC welfare recipients are addicted to something that make 150,000 people on welfare and on some kind of drug/alcohol. If half are women that gives us 75,000. How many of those women would you say have children?