When I was younger, I tried to believe. I grew up in a religiously mixed family of catholics and lutherans, my parents rarely went to church, then was the issue of deciding which to attend. So, I ventured off on my own as a teenager trying to sort out what was my god, did he exist. I would tag along with various friends to their churches respectfully wishing to grasp onto what they believed. Feeling that it is only right to believe in God after all. As time passed, I finally came to accept that I cannot grasp onto what I fail to see evidenced. It also frankly tore me up to see people spout off about their churches and then me to sit back and watch while they did things that I thought would have been very un-christian things. Then again, they all did say that we are all sinners. In the end I haven't found anything in my search. Unsure if it is simply the lack of finding the church that fit me best, or do I just fail to believe.
The short version, I will go ahead and go out the chicken route and say that I refer to myself as Agnostic.