Originally Posted by dlish
Good call D, that was one of my favorite torch lightings. But then again, I'm partial to archery. I'm nerdy like that.
-----Added 8/8/2008 at 03 : 48 : 37-----
NBC fails again!! I don't understand why they didn't carry this live? Kudos to the CBC for getting the job done, I tip my hat to the Canadians. Glad to see so many people liked the ceremony. I am actually quite shocked especially with the overwhelming anti-Chinese and virulent hatred for the Chinese going around these days.
By all accounts, the Chinese were gracious and class hosts. I hear the US teams, Afghanistan, Iraq, Taiwan and other nations received roaring applause, although the Japanese received lukewarm reception at best. To me the nicest surprise is how well the Americans are being treated and welcomed. Team USA Basketball is one of the most popular among the Chinese with Kobe receiving chants of MVP wherever they go. I think we may be able to learn a lesson from the Chinese.