Originally Posted by ratbastid
I like cold pizza. What I'm not crazy about his cold dried out pizza. My lovely wife, perfect in every way but this, puts leftover pizza in the fridge right in its cardboard box. What comes out the next day for lunch is dessicated, bullet-proof cold pizza, not fit to feed the dog.
Pizza needs to be refrigerated in ziplock or plastic wrap. That accomplished, I'm all about it cold. Also YES on cold chicken--cold KFC is great.
We always wrap our pizza in aluminum foil--mostly because the recycling will take aluminum foil but not plastic wrap, plus every pizza place around here prefers to give you foil to wrap your slices in to take home instead of a box.
But yes, dlish, cold pizza for breakfast is one of my favorite things to eat. That used to be my Saturday morning breakfast growing up (because Friday was pizza night). Unfortunately my SO is a pizza hog so I try and claim a few slices of the pizza to be wrapped up and put away in the fridge before he eats the entire pie.
And totally agree on the cold chicken, especially KFC. It just doesn't taste the same reheated.