Originally Posted by reconmike
1.1 million? What does NYC's welfare population and 1 million lesbians have in common? 2 million people who don't do dick!
So in a city with 8+ million people 13% of them are on the governments tit?
I will find a crack whore baby poppin welfare collecting conviction for the nay-saying myth believers.
If you want to make your case valid, I would strongly suggest you find more than one.
After a lawsuit against the town of Bordentown, NJ (which had required its local welfare recipients to work for the town in exchange for their checks) was shot down, the federal government sought to enforce its own version of "Workfare"(c.1995).
Cities such as New York jumped on the bandwagon immediately. Unfortunately, advocacy groups denounced the notion of "working for cheap", stating it would flood the job market with "droves of hungry people, making it easier for employers to depress wages."
Lawsuits abounded and the Workfare program is, for all intents and purposes, dead.
Some of the rules do still apply, though. There is a limit on how many children a woman can have and still receive any increase in benefits. They have to report to social services (although those departments are so woefully understaffed and underskilled that fraud continues to be an issue).
The stereotype of some crack smoking, baby popping woman just sitting around waiting for her check is just that-a stereotype.
We anxiously await the data to confirm it.