Originally Posted by ratbastid
Anecdotal fraud cases, however dramatic, don't constitute a debunking.
Of course fraud happens. That's not what I'm talking about. I'm talking about the knee-jerk rightwing response to any mention of social safety-net programs that goes, "Oh great, now I'm paying for irresponsible freeloading cheats living high on my hog!" when that's VASTLY not the case.
This proves my point:
Of 1.1 million recipients, there were 6000 bogus claims. That's 0.005%, roughly.
Also, the fact that living benefits come to $176 every two weeks should be SHOCKING. You really think people are living well on that?? In New York City??
1.1 million? What does NYC's welfare population and 1 million lesbians have in common? 2 million people who don't do dick!
So in a city with 8+ million people 13% of them are on the governments tit?
I will find a crack whore baby poppin welfare collecting conviction for the nay-saying myth believers.