Originally Posted by uncle phil
shoot, i've been across the equator more than a few times, crossed a few datelines and meantimes in my day, and never had to put up with that, cowboy...
what branch did you say you were in? 
Crossing the dateline gets you an "Order of the Golden Dragon." No BS involved in that, least not on the ship I was on.
But yeah, for some unknown reason the Navy gets a reputation as being full of whack jobs. I think it's all that time at sea with (supposedly) no alcohol. Part of the fun and games on my ship included shaving your left leg. I still have a bald spot where the hair just never grew back.
Along with the wall hanging you get a card. I've been told to hang onto that card, loose it and you go through the whole mess again. I still have mine.
Here's a list of line crossing associated with sailors:
Line-crossing ceremony - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia