Just saw this movie, and I must recommend it very highly to all! (
Reference to IMDB page)
It's a small movie, so it might not get release everywhere. But if it's near you, it's really worth seeing!
It made me laugh a little just in that it's (in some ways) a 90s nostalgia movie, and I'm old enough that that strikes me as funny. But it was solid: good script, good acting, nice direction, excellent soundtrack.
It stars a kid named Josh Peck, whom I'd never heard of, although I found out afterward that he apparently was a child TV star on Nickelodeon, and was the physical comedian of the show. He does very well as a serio-comedic actor, he was great for his part. He plays a kid in his final summer before college, in 1994 Manhattan, who gets his money selling weed. Some of the weed, he trades to a psychiatrist (played, surprisingly, by the amazing Ben Kingsley) for therapy (kind of). The psychiatrist has problems of his own, including a dying marriage, and a stepdaughter who's fiercely independent.
A great film about self-acceptance, coming of age, relationships, and what really is wack versus what really is dope....