In WA state, I go to court and the ticket usually gets reduced--but that's for speeding. It still goes on my record, though, which sucks for insurance.
I had a different violation when I had a rental car in California one Thanksgiving day--I turned onto a one-way street (in a new town--had no idea) for about 10 seconds before realizing it and turning around. Yep, apparently a cop saw it and wrote me up, and gave me the traffic school option as well. I didn't want points on my ticket, or for my insurance to go up--so I paid the fine, ordered the DVD of the traffic school thing, and flew back to PA.
It really didn't take much effort for me to complete the traffic school. Watched the DVD, took the exam online, and it was over. I recommend doing that, if you have the option.
And think not you can direct the course of Love;
for Love, if it finds you worthy, directs your course.
--Khalil Gibran