Knowledge was my point. From the start we are taught that knowledge is sin, and yet given the hormones, instincts, and curious minds to discover the world around us.
Atreides if I sounded too aggressive or sarcastic, I apologize. As I stated I am a former Christian with a large number of Christian friends. We have learned not to debate much less even discuss it. I had to learn to respect their beliefs if I still wanted to maintain a friendship with them & vice versa. The strongest aspect that helps in this process was to at least be happy for their connection in their perception of God. I’m not a total atheist, but more of an agnostic with a belief there may be a grand creator. I just don't know and won't until I die. Faith can be something to hold on to when all else seems to be at its lowest. Without faith that a God will come down and clean up this mess we call modern society, the only thing left is faith that we will somehow get it right.
I also hope that there is something more than just the blink of an eye we spend in a lifetime. From a physics stand point the body is energy and energy has to go somewhere. Beyond that I won’t know until it happens. I’d like to think that someday in the future, our Earth unites with a common focus on space exploration.
I’ll never knock anyone for their faith, but will respectfully suggest to remember what they are reading was written and edited many times over by human beings. I might have a different view if some sort of tablets were still around that had writing burnt into them by a force that was beyond what any modern scientific testing could explain. I could no longer carry faith that at some point the Earth would be elevated into a supernatural existence for eternity.
One last comment about what you stated at the end: what if all religions are wrong. It doesn’t seem like a big deal, right. I won’t go into here, but as I continue to observe how things are unfolding in the world I’m left with a disturbing thought. Regardless of whether or not the Bible is historically accurate the powers that be (humans) appear to be helping it along. Imagine if religions were wrong and the end is brought about by our own doing. All that would be left is a dead planet. Life will still go on in the vastness of the universe. If business does continue as usual and we waste this precious gift with the notion a father figure Supreme Being is going to come clean up our mess- do we really deserve it in the first place?
To confine our attention to terrestrial matters would be to limit the human spirit.- Stephen Hawking