Originally Posted by aceventura3
Obama is not clear, consistent or specific on the issues and is becoming an increasingly easy target for negative ads.
So you decided to come and post a nice list of right-wing talking points for us? Let's go ahead and knock 'em down, just for fun.
Originally Posted by aceventura3
Just today, I was reading some newspapers and we now find Obama in support of off-shore oil drilling (sort of),
The Early Word: Obama Open to Drilling Compromise - The Caucus - Politics - New York Times Blog
He doesn't support off-shore drilling. Read his actual quote:
Originally Posted by O'Bama
“My interest is in making sure we’ve got the kind of comprehensive energy policy that can bring down gas prices,” Mr. Obama told The Palm Beach Post’s Michael C. Bender. “If, in order to get that passed, we have to compromise in terms of a careful, well thought-out drilling strategy that was carefully circumscribed to avoid significant environmental damage - I don’t want to be so rigid that we can’t get something done.”
That's not support, that's willingness to compromise.
Your score: 0/1
Originally Posted by aceventura3
his promise to tax the "rich" and give tax relief to everyone else is false (his capital gains rate is going to 28% impacting more than the "rich" in addition to other things in his plan),
Where does he promise to tax the rich? Again, read what he *actually says*, and his *actual* positions, not rightwing sound bites.
For instance:
Media Matters - Who misrepresented Obama's tax plan? Anyone? Anyone? Ben Stein
Originally Posted by O'Bama
In fact, Obama has said he would not raise the capital gains tax on individuals with income of less than $250,000.
You score: 0/2
Originally Posted by aceventura3
he is going to give gas price relief by forcing oil companies to pay everyone $1,000 (I guess not realizing the cost will be passed on to consumers, and further hurt domestic companies),
It's called a windfall tax. You know, a tax on the windfall profits oil companies have been making lately. This one is actually up for debate (and his hotly debated by economists). Some economists claim that all corporate taxes should be abolished, because the costs are inevitably passed onto consumers anyway. Many claim that taxes on oil + gas companies fall into this category, because demand for gas is inelastic. This has historically been true, but with the gas prices shooting up this summer, demand *has* fallen, so maybe demand isn't as inelastic as we thought. But, since this is a debatable point, you can have some credit.
Your score: 1/3
Originally Posted by aceventura3
he complains about Exxon's profits but no comment on his buddy's, Warren Buffet, company (both have net profit margins of about 10%),
Oil and gas companies are making record profits while consumers are paying out the nose. Some people are unhappy about that. No one blames Exxon for making money, but taxing windfall profits isn't exactly a crazy notion.
Your score: 1/4
Originally Posted by aceventura3
and now he wants to give Florida and Michigan delegates full voting privileges at the Democratic Party convention ( Now that he has the nomination secured, I bet that was a tough decision).
True, but so what? It's a bone to toss to help party unity.
Your score: 1/5
Originally Posted by aceventura3
How can McCain not go negative? Obama is proving to be an empty suit. What does the man really stand for? What is he willing to stand for? The talk about "them" wanting to scare "us" because of his name or his face, gee he needs to get a clue - he scares me because he is to political and his words have no substance!
Wait a sec - so, after carefully observing Obama and his positions, you've decided he has no substance and doesn't stand for anything. Or...not so much. You've had the same line against Obama for months, with no substance behind it. What's kindof surprising to me is that you've missed the actual issues that I might consider as hits against Obama. He opted out of the public finance system after he said he would make use of it. He failed to oppose the warrantless wiretapping and amnesty for telecoms after he pledged to do so.
Of course, those aren't exactly reasons to vote for McCain instead. McCain's problems with the public financing system are well-documented. McCain has always supported Bush's expanded surveillance powers, warrantless wiretapping, and telecom amnesty.