I beg to differ. Back in 2002, I decided to join some friends in a joint real estate venture and we each collectively owned what we purchased. One could even argue that stocks represent collective ownership.
Could you be a little more specific in what that venture was?
Stock; while spread over a larger array of ownership, still pursues interest in how the company does in the free market. It’s not like everyone has ownership- we’d be buying from ourselves. The freedom to buy a larger percentage is still present as well.
This assumes federal healthcare is worse than private healthcare. I know most libertarians are concerned with government interference in the US medical system, but I doubt anyone could argue that the US system is more socialized than actual universal healthcare systems used elsewhere that happen to be better.
I know this has been talked about before, but I need a refresher. Where are the better systems at?
I wish it was as easy to get a better job as you make it seem in your second sentence. In theory it's great but in practice most people have the best job they can get. If someone wasn't born into a situation that made good education and job opportunities possible, who are you to say they are doomed to live the life they happened to be born into? Is that fair? Does the market reward all hard workers with a living wage or better?
Will, how have you become sold on this mindset? Go to an Anthony Robbins seminar or something. Your statement can be just as generalized and assuming in the other direction. Sometimes people do get lucky, but the other 98% of time things aren’t easy. Most of the time financial success (if that is what you are basing this on) requires determination, true unwavering intention, and most of all hard work. I wasn’t born into any kind of wealth; in fact my family was in the ghetto a step away from welfare. By the time I finished college I was $70,000 in debt. I turned it around, because I didn’t let anything stop me. Did I have a few kicks to groin on the way, sure? Will I have any more, maybe? The hard work it takes makes the rewards that much better. Are the ones born into wealth lucky? Perhaps, they have a head start.
I remember seeing Donald Trump on Jay Leno one night and Jay asked him if he lost all his money what would he do. Donald said ”I would find the closest multilevel marketing program and get to work." The audience started laughing. Donald turned to the audience and shut them up by saying in a stern manner “that’s why I’m up here and you’re down there”. Personally, I hate MLM I do not have the desire to do it, meaning it’s not the kind of sacrifice I’m willing to make. That is the key, what people are willing to sacrifice- time, effort, whatever. Something for nothing is present in our society, and I think its part of the problem.
As far as the general theme of this thread, while I agree with most of the libertarian philosophy- I consider myself an independent. I listen to each candidate on the issues. Unfortunately, the one I agreed with the most is out of the race. I can’t take any of them seriously until the areas many see as conspiracy issues are addressed. The federal reserve, is an example.