Originally Posted by ghoastgirl1
Finally get to respond...
@ Manic
What do I suggest they do?
I suggest they realize that society has an intolerance toward obesity because it is self destructive and unhealthy. People concern over the obesity rates going up because it is one of the most preventable causes of death in the nation, like smoking. Again its up to the lifestyle choices.
You can shut up too pretty chick.
Seriously though, at the risk of sounding condescending, I think the idea of it being completely health related is very naive. It wouldn't be such a stigma socially if it was a health issue. The problem is purely cosmetic. Perhaps you and a handful of people are saying "That is disgusting because they are unhealthy" but 99% of the people in the world are thinking "That's disgusting; look at those fat slobs, why don't they just stop eating and exercise. God, buy some clothes that fit you, and stop eating shit all the time".
I never had anyone say to me growing up "Hey man, that's so unhealthy" but I heard a lot of "Hey Fatty". People don't say that when they are post-junior high but, hell GG, they think it. That's why I'm talking about tolerance. It isn't about ignoring the obesity; it's about ignoring the social ignorance.
It's not that black and white and the fact that you used a "I was sad because a parent said they buy late night fast food for their kid" as an example furthers it; even though you don't mean to.