I've been riding too. Started for the 2007 MS bike tour in my town, and have been keeping it up more or less since. My favorite two riding routes are 30 or 40km respectively. I have an old roadbike donated by a friend for the MS cause. I add a new part or two, and keep it going. Wiped out in training this spring on a night when my left pedal and crank fell off, then (after reattaching) I almost hit a porcupine, and finally lost it on the pea gravel 20 feet from my garage. That hurt! So I second the gloves and helmet advice! Wearing one protects your brain, and proves you have one.
I'm getting interested in garage hacking of bikes.
My two boys and I just came into the house from testing our first build, a Spin Cycle.
To see what I am talking about - check out atomiczombie.com.
Cycling ROCKS ! Human powered vehicles - lets go !
Last edited by Tirian; 08-03-2008 at 09:52 PM..
Reason: spelling