Has she been teased before and just doesn't care? Does she have friends who accept her whatever she wears?
I think parents should look out for the psychological health of their children as well. How should a parent react if they see her getting teased? And would it be possible to go to more private swimming areas to reduce the likelihood of something bad happening? How would a parent help this girl if her feelings and self-esteem was hurt?
I would worry about what will happen 5 or 10 years from now. I know I have had some things happen in my past that could have been avoided. And I wouldn't mind going back and making different choices for my younger self. Then again, I wouldn't have wanted my parents to have been making all of my choices and picking out what I wear or what I do and whatever. There has to be some balance to letting the kid/teen make their own decisions, but protecting them if they make a wrong decision.