For those of you that played one day and quit... you don't get it.
Dark Age of Camelot sucked for 49 levels... and was mind-blowingly awesome at lvl 50. The RvR (not PvP) is Realm vs. Realm. The ENTIRE server would mobilize for epic battles. Remember when PvP first started in WoW at that farm? Imagine that on steroids.... on a daily basis with guilds and alliances (up to 12 guilds) which are very well organized to take and defend keeps.
Imagine if an entire continent could be captured, and defended against instead of the "don't hit me" zones every 200 yards. Guilds worked with (most of the time at least) each other to accomplish goals. There were no afk rp-pharmers, there were no /afk droppers. Holding a keep with 8 people against 50+ occurred quite often as long as the defenders were organized.
I'm in closed Beta. I will say that it's on par with WoW PvE right now (no raiding yet). That is NOT where the game shines... the game shines in the RvR and the classes reflect it.
For example... Taunts. Taunts work in RvR, not by forcing them to attack the tanks... but lowering the damage (30% at the moment) they deal to anyone BUT the one taunting. This causes defensive tanks to become very powerful by one minor change.
"Smite the rocks with the rod of knowledge, and fountains of unstinted wealth will gush forth." - Ashbel Smith as he laid the first cornerstone of the University of Texas