Originally Posted by punkmusicfan21
Make him/her regret the fact that they were born 21 years yesterday, when they wake up with glitter and shit stuck to their face.
Or, if you want to show up with something different, and not just a straight bottle of something, make Flaming Doctor Peppers (6 or more will certainly have the same effect as drinking a straight bottle of anything the next day). Bring cheap beer (I use Pabst, but any cheap beer will do), Amaretto and Bacardi 151. Poor the beer in a glass, poor a shot glass with half amaretto half bacardi 151 light the shot on fire. Dump the shot into the beer and make whomever drink the concoction in one swift gulp. Three down the hatch later and the party is in full swing! Three or more beyond that and be prepared to hold your friend's head up. They're pretty tasty too (hence why they're more dangerous than a straight bottle of tequila, cheap vodka, rum, etc). I'd say bring a shot glass to give him also.