Wow. I can't really put my finger on why, but this is a really upsetting topic. I'm a fat kid; or at least I used to be. Parents who ask questions like this made it harder. It encourages unhealthy body images, not a push to have a healthier lifestyle. If anything, the fact that she has no problem with her stomach speaks wonders about the child's self-confidence and having that as an overweight, 15 year old girl?! It's a miracle, not something to be shit on.
The idea of giving them a choice implies that there is an obvious flaw in her initial choice; that her body isn't good enough for a two-piece, so she should take the one piece because kids will be pointing and laughing. Fuck; I'd be more worried about the douchebags she was hanging out with then the kind of clothing she wears.
Has anyone ever seen the film "Spanglish"? This reminds me of the scene where Bernie (who is a beautiful, intelligent, talented kid) is emotionally crippled because of her parent's "well intentioned shopping spree" where everything is two sizes too small.
I would make sure she lived a healthier lifestyle, while also encouraging the fact that she is super confident about what kind of a person she is. I would hate to destroy a spirit like that.
EX: Whats new?
ME: I officially love coffee more then you now.
EX: uh...
ME: So, not much.