If you look at the history of the Seven Deadly Sins, you'll realize the paradox you've just uncovered. I'm by no means a bible thumper, but it'll sound like it with my ensuing statements.
That is, the 7 Deadly Sins are also the 7 Holy Acts.
Yes, that's true. Think about it, Sloth is a sin if committed to the point of lowering the quality of life for those you love. If a child is lost to starvation during the winter months because the father was too lazy to plant enough crops, it's a sin. However at the same time taking time to relax and enjoy the life God has given us is a holy act. The same with all other sins, Greed is bad in that it is a desire which begets the love for the fellow man for the satisfaction of the self. However Greed is also a motivator to improve our lives, to rise above the bar which has been set for us. Lust can rip families apart, cause hatred and even wars. However it is also what drives people together, creating families and often ending wars.
I could continue, but you can quickly see how the very sins are used at the same time for good. It quickly turns into the everything-in-moderation philosophy which I subscribe to myself.
"Smite the rocks with the rod of knowledge, and fountains of unstinted wealth will gush forth." - Ashbel Smith as he laid the first cornerstone of the University of Texas