If he has a UTI then rest and water WILL NOT CURE IT. Bacteria from a UTI are persistent and will live in your system for months or years, even if a single flare-up is controlled and the symptoms temporarily go away.
Your urine is highly irritating to the urethra if it is compromised in any way. Caffeine makes it significantly worse, not to mention the fact that it is a diuretic and thus messes with your normal elimination routine. This is why cutting out coffee helped.
Urea can form crystals if it is not expelled regularly or fully, and these crystals scrape and irritate. This is why improving your hydration and urinating less-concentrated, higher-volume urine is helpful.
For bladdar health it is recommended to urinate every 2-3 hours when healthy, every 1 hour when fighting a UTI. If you can hold it longer than that, you aren't drinking enough and the urea crystals will cause you pain.
The reason I know all this is because for some reason I am very vulnerable to UTIs which, if left unchecked, can enter the kidneys and cause renal failure. I do not mess around with my kidneys and do not try to "get better on my own", not after having over a dozen UTIs and experiencing the severity of pain that an acute infection causes. Maybe for a man who is stronger against these infections, proper hydration would be enough to control the infection, I couldn't say.
It is true that unsweetened cranberry juice contains a component that inhibits the bacteria's ability to adhere to the urethra and bladdar, so it helps your body defend itself. To be effective, you need to drink 2 or more cups a day of pure, unsweetened juice (NOT ocean spray cocktail, which is, like, 5% cranberry juice).
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