I'm considering buying either a DS or PSP...
I know there's currently a similar topic right now, but I won't hijack it.
I'm going to be on vacation in Pennsylvania in a couple of weeks and I'm looking to get either a DS or PSP. Both are appealing for different reasons. The DS because it has a lot more casual pick up 'n play games and a relatively solid library (including New Super Mario, both Castlevania games, and Sonic Rush. And Chrono Trigger's coming out for it soon), as well as a unique way to play games. The PSP has a similarly strong library, but they're for the most part more geared toward hardcore gamers like Metal Gear Solid Portable Ops, Ratchet and Clank: Size Matters, Final Fantasy VII: Crisis Core, and God of War: Chains of Olympus. Plus, the Resistance game coming out for it looks awesome. You can also watch movies on it (although I probably won't) and I also have the option of connecting it to my PS-3 (although I don't know how that would come in handy).
But they also have their flaws. While the DS has some solid games, there really aren't too many that I'm interested in other than the ones I mentioned. Most DS games just seem like crap shovelware (I mean Petz: Dogz 2???). As for the PSP, it seems like most of the great games eventually come out on the PS-2 (Ratchet and Clank came out not too long ago, and so did the Grand Theft Auto games for example). That, and the Sonic games on it are supposed to suck hard. What's the point of spending $200 on a portable system when I could wait for a few months and buy the games on the PS-2 for about $40?
To me, both systems are about equal in their positives and negatives. Both appeal to me in different ways, and I can't decide on which to get.
So, uh, help?
I still wave at the dots on the shore
And I still beat my head against the door
I still rage and wage my little war
I'm a shade and easy to ignore