Have you noticed that the tomatoes that you see at the store all look perfect but when you get them home all you get is moisture and texture? They have almost no flavor at all. The only thing that separates a roma tomato from a beefsteak is the shape. They both have no flavor and little aroma.
This season I've been exploring
heirloom tomoatoes. It has changed my outlook on the fruit. Everything is different about them. The first thing you notice is the visual differences. Sizes range from the size of a grape to larger than a grapefruit. Depending on the variety they can weigh over two pounds. Colors range from bright orange to dark purple. Shapes also vary from symmetrical globes to funky odd shapes.
When you taste them it is like seeing an HDTV for the first time. They had a bright flavor that catches your attention. I've been using them in soups, salads, on potatoes, anything I can. What sucks is that now I can hardly eat regular store-bought tomatoes.
They aren't cheap, I usually pay $4-5/lb for them but they are well worth it. If you see them, give them a shot.