Originally Posted by shakran
Not in any specific order but:
Brett Favre (nice guy, damned hard to pin down)
George W. Bush. (nuff said)
hahaha I should be more impressed with the second. But Brett? *bows down* Do you accept offerings?
Well I didn't bother with the Six Degree's Thread because I've met Conan O'Brien and that could be endless.
But Celebs (mostly bands)
Jenny Lewis
Vampire Weekend
Chris Martin and Will Champion
Jimmy Rankin (Atlantic Canada!)
Joel Plasket
Sam Roberts
The Tragically Hip
etc, etc
Albert Schultz (works in the same building I learn in)
Demetri Martin
Olde English Comedy
Dave Atell
Tom Green (tool)
and more; just who comes to mind.
Not that impressive. It's no Brett Favre. Bastard.