Sokol Blosser Winery (Oregon) - Evolution Wine - I really enjoy this Reisling. I know it's lame to come out and say I enjoy a Reisling, but watching the sunset and enjoying this crisp wine is an all time favorite of mine. I first found this at a small winery when the owner hugged it while showing me white wines to go well with sushi. It used to be hard to find, but I can find it all over nowadays.
Garfield Estates Winery (Colorado) - S2 - I am not sure on the distribution of this wine. But, if you're ever driving I-70 through western Colorado, veering off at Palisade to find this winery. The S2 is great. Carlson Vineyards (even further off the track) is great also.
Van Der Heyden Winery (Napa) - Late Harvest Cabernet Sauvignon - Is my favorite vineyard in Napa. Just a little hole in the wall place (not super fancy, owned by a Dutch man who just likes to make wine). I enjoyed all his reds, but his late harvest was particularly great. I have not been able to find it outside of Napa (wish I could).
In the Absence of Information People Make Things Up.