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Old 07-31-2008, 10:11 AM   #13 (permalink)
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Not in any specific order but:

Wilford Brimley (yes, he does talk like that in real life)

Brett Favre (nice guy, damned hard to pin down)

Randy Moss (...)

Shaq (he's fun. And damned hard to shoot 'cause my tripod doesn't go that high )

Charles Grassley (if you don't know who this guy is, you should. Been in the senate since Moses died. Rather influential, even if he is usually wrong)

Harrison Ford (covering the Experimental Aircraft Association's annual Oshkosh fly-in. He'll talk forever about helicopters)

John Travolta (at the same place. HE will talk forever about his Boeing 707)

Al and Bobby Unser (cool guys, but then I'm a car nut so we got along straight off)

Peter Jennings (before the cancer altered his voice. He was smart as hell, proving that you don't have to have a college degree to know what you're talking about)

Bob Dotson (Dateline reporter- - very, very good storyteller)

Steve Hartman (Used to have a series on CBS's Sunday Morning called Everyone Has A Story. He and his photographer Les Rose would pick someone at random from the phone book in a random town and go do a story on them. Got some amazing work out of it. Hands down one of the best reporters I've ever known, and has a fantastic attitude on life. Life is fun. He's going to find every bit of fun and absorb it.)

Yo Yo Ma. Twice. (He remembered who I was the second time, a year later. That impressed me. )

Doc Severenson. (Just. Plain. Cool.)

Garrison Keillor (rather...full of himself. And snobbish. Funny guy though.)

Buzz Aldrin (seems like he could be a cool guy, but someone had just talked about the moon landing being a hoax so he was kinda pissy at the time)

Chuck Yeager (Again at the Oshkosh fly-in. He was giving teenagers introductory flight lessons. Now that's a story to tell the grandkids. A shame I was only covering it - would'a been something else to get instruction time from him.)

Mike Huckabee (this guy. is. Nuts. And not in a good way.)

George W. Bush. (nuff said)

There are probably more but they all start to blend together, really.
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