I think you could argue that distribution is broken because so much personal wealth is locked up in assets and savings.
Yes, you should spend less than you earn, but you should also not treat life like it's a monopoly game. He who dies with the most toys does not win, and their progeny usually end up as spoiled under-achievers.
As far as immigrants achieving, yes, if you have desire and drive, you will achieve. This country has enough slackers so that there's achievement available for anybody who wants it. My two most successful friends from college were brothers who grew up in a squatter's row house. Coming from no or little means can really inspire people to achieve, as long as they also have the character needed for the task.
The problem is, the corporations of this country have proven that they would be more than happy to employ 8 year olds, sell bad milk, create exploding cars etc. in order to save a buck. That's why we have laws and regulations. The minimum wage has been criminally low for too long. Every time this comes up, we hear about how business knows what's good for business, and how chaos will reign if we raise it.
The anarchy hasn't happened yet.
I think the Apocalypse is happening all around us. We go on eating desserts and watching TV. I know I do. I wish we were more capable of sustained passion and sustained resistance. We should be screaming and what we do is gossip. -Lydia Millet