Originally Posted by squeeeb
ok, before you tell me what a sick bastard i am and alert the authorities and all that, let's get some things straight:
1. i DO NOT in any way shape or form condone or encourage any kind of child pornography whatsoever. period.
2. i am using child pornography (CP) as an example because it is the most horrific and disgusting thing i can think of.
3. child porn disgusts me, actually makes my stomach hurt. if you are sexually attracted to children, you need to talk to a professional about that and deal with whatever issues you have. no matter how much you lie to yourself, the kid does NOT want to have sex with you. it's rape.
4. cp is not "art" no matter how hard you try to justify it. nothing artistic about a kid with her legs spread open.
4. in the arguement, i will be asking why *i* can't have pics of naked kids. this is for the arguement ONLY. i do not really want pics of naked kids. i am not saying this with a wink and a nod, like hacking info is for "entertainment purposes only." really, child porn makes me angry and nauseous.
are we clear? if you have any doubts, please re-read above. i want to have an intelligent thougth experiment here, ok?
so...for this arguement, the parameters are:
1. by CP i mean pictures of naked kids (14 years old and under) in sexually suggestive positions. porn positions. also kids engaged in a sex act.
2. the actual making of the porn should be illegal, the adults who are taking the pictures or engaged in the sex act with the child should be arrested. that is not in question.
so the question is: is having cp wrong? lets say some adult likes looking at pics of naked kids. why is it wrong to have the pictures, if he ("he" also means she) did not take the pics? what if the adult surfs around the intenet, finds the pics and downloads them, and looks at them in his house, alone. why is that wrong?
murder is wrong, but i can have all the pics of dead people i want. drugs are illegal, but i can have pics of people taking drugs. why can't i have pics of naked kids? why is having a picture that i did not take and i had nothing to do with illegal and wrong?
one arguement against is "cp won't happen if people wouldn't want it." this is false. you can get cp for free, so it's not like people are making money. even if no one wanted to look at it, there would be some guy who likes it and wants to share his hobby and post it/spread it around.
another arguement is "looking at it leads to doing it." i play violent video games where i kill people. i look at violent movies. i look at pictures of dead people and read books about murders. i have not and will not kill someone. same with theft, and other illegal activities. i can look at pictures of naked kids all day and still not want to have sex with them or take pictures of naked kids. so that arguement does not work.
so...the question....why is it wrong if i have child pornography?