Originally Posted by roachboy
like burgundies that are a little earthy and that have a long flavor to them---one that changes as it moves through your mouth and that has a bit of an aftertaste--cali wines tend to go HI THERE and disappear. thin and overpriced. though i'm willing to do fieldwork and be proven wrong.
I hate to say it, but very few people outside of California ever get our best wines. We're proud of the good stuff, and hoard it. You almost have to know someone to get the truly good California wines. The better vineyards are very private, very much family owned, and don't produce a lot of volume.
If you ever get the opportunity, give the 2002 Spenker Zin a shot. I happen to know the family which is why I was able to purchase such a decent collection from them (I drove up there to buy it on the vineyard and take the tour).