I should've been more specific. It's a case of relative hypoglycemia. People eat refined carbs, which are quickly absorbed, which leads to a quick response by your pancreas of insulin secretion. This quick drop in blood sugar is what makes people not feel "satisfied". I've only studied diabetes a little (I have my bachelor's degree in clinical laboratory science, just graduates, w00t!), but from my understanding, the drop in blood sugar doesn't have to land you into an actual hypoglycemic range.
Say you drink a large drink with lots of sugar in it (think StarBucks frappuccino for example). Your blood sugar level may shoot up to 190 mg/dl (with the normal range being about 70 to 120 mg/dl, depending on which book you look at). Your pancreas quickly responds and brings your sugar level down to 125 mg/dl. Your blood sugar level is still too high, but because of the quick drop, you develop relative hyoglycemia, which makes you feel just as hungry and unsatisfied as actual hypoglyemia would. You proceed to consume more sugar to alleviate this dissatisfaction, and in the process bring your sugar level way up beyond normal levels again, and the whole thing becomes a self-perpetuating cycle. True hypoglycemia is when your blood sugar level dips below about 50 mg/dl (again, depending on what book you look at, but it's around that range), which also makes you feel hungry.
I like your signature Baraka_Guru, especially the T.S. Eliot quote. Consider this to be one of those tidbits of truth that people would rather not hear. And consider this: following wherein you control your sugar level (again, I can't recommend a South Beach Diet book enough) can actually cure some cases of type 2 diabetes.
I don't know much about the eating habits of people around the world, but I would assume that places where diabetes, heart disease and obesity are not a problem are places where refined carbs are scarce or shunned.
The most important thing in this world is love.