Different strokes.. you know. Some of us find it rather HOT. Consider this hypothetical formula:
angle rating * (virility + arousal + preparation) = distance
Its like saying.. "Wow, I tried to just get it on your feet, but I ended up getting your face. I must have been really turned on."
Lets break down the formula:
Angle rating is all I could come up with to describe the variable of what direction you're shooting in. Obviously, some angles are better than others, so they have to have a rating. I figure a 35 degree upward angle is ideal for distance.
Virility is a measurement of your physical shape and functioning of your sexual organs. Obviously, if you're in shape where it counts, then the force of the spunk exiting your body will be higher.
Arousal is obvious. I find that the more turned on I am, the farther it goes. I hope everyone else has the same conclusion.
Preparation is akin to all that hoopla the author of your little link went through to ensure that he threw his goo farther. This could include dietary supplements, masturbation methods, and length of sexual activity.
All of this culminates into an orgasm, after which you can stand back and observe your trail of destruction and pat yourself on the back for a job well done.
That's why it matters.