Getting money back from ex when it's in decree?
Here is the deal, when I was married, my ex used me to cosign for a loan for a car (big mistake, never do this) Anyway, when we divorced, the decree said she would take the car and all remaining debt. This did not get me off the hook with the bank, however my lawyer said I could sue her for contempt of court if I had to pay. So when she was 75 days late, I shelled out some money to catch it up, not wanting to hurt my credit score. I kept all documentation. Like $1000. She said she would pay me back when she got her taxes. So I waited. She never did, then I deployed on short notice (I am in Tanzania now)
I have 2 questions I guess.
Is there a statute of limitation for suing her? Can I still sue her for the money like 2 years from now?
How do I sue someone for contempt of court by myself? I won't get any money back if I go through a lawyer.
She is a worthless human being. She never has any money or a job, so I am not to sure if she has any money to give me (drug problem). She also has 2 kids (not mine), so not to sure if I want to garnish her wages. Should I go after her or just write it off?