Touche on the Ra's Al Ghoul thing. You're right in that a lot of people may not have been familiar with him (or Ducard, the character he was combined with).
Making the mask look like a skull might not play well, but a black mask of some sort might be kinda interesting. I really liked the mask Tom Cruise wore in Vanilla Sky. Something like that, which is meant to look like the face of the actor, but that's lifeless and haunting would really be incredible. It would be interesting to have the police hunting Batman and Black Mask going after Wayne, not giving him any shelter.
One thing that should be said: do not do the original origin story on Black Mask. He was dropped on his head as a baby and attacked by a raccoon as a child. I don't know about you, but I'd be laughing so hard in the movie I might be asked to leave. Maybe have him born with some malformation of the face.
As for Catwoman, I threw out some really good actresses (Tilda Swinton, Cate Blanchett, Hilary Swank, and Helena Bonham Carter) that I've not really heard back on yet.