"stop mummy driving"
Hope she gets a custodial sentence, at least 3 years.
A woman was caught drink-driving after a distressed child was seen shouting "stop mummy driving" and banging on the windows of a car.
Central Scotland Police said the car carrying the five-year-old girl was stopped in Falkirk on Sunday afternoon.
When breathalysed, the 35-year-old woman was found to be four times over the legal drink drive limit.
The woman was one of 12 drivers caught in the second week of a police drink-driving crackdown.
It is understood a member of the public intervened after spotting the distressed girl, opened the rear door of the car and removed her from the vehicle.
The car was then stopped by police at Castings Avenue in the town centre.
'Inexcusable behaviour'
Ch Insp Donald McMillan, of the area's road policing unit, said: "This motorist was prevented from causing serious injury to herself, her child and other road users.
"The child was in an extremely distressed state and we are thankful the incident didn't result in serious injuries.
"However, this should serve as a reminder to motorists that as soon as they get behind a wheel they have a responsibility to themselves, their passengers and other road users."
The force said 16 people had been caught during the campaign
The woman pleaded guilty to three charges at Falkirk Sheriff Court on Monday.
They included having a breath alcohol level of 158 microgrammes, nearly four-and-a-half times the legal limit of 35, and putting the child at risk.
She will be sentenced next month.
Assistant Chief Constable Jim Green of Strathclyde Police, who is secretary of the Association of Chief Police Officers road policing business area, said:
"Never in my 29 years of policing, have I ever heard of such an incident where such a young child has alerted members of the public to a parent's totally unacceptable and inexcusable behaviour.
"While the court will address the driving consequences of this woman's behaviour, it is the underlying issues that have to be addressed by all our partners who are concerned with this driver and many other motorists' well-being as well as that of the general and motoring public."
"Do not tell lies, and do not do what you hate,
for all things are plain in the sight of Heaven. For nothing
hidden will not become manifest, and nothing covered will remain
without being uncovered."
The Gospel of Thomas