Originally Posted by ktspktsp
That's very true. Vegetables are almost a luxury item here. Definitely looking forward to the food shopping aspect of the PNW! 
The bounty of the farmer's markets at this time of year is unbelievable. Our market currently has strawberries, marionberries, blueberries, raspberries, cherries, tomatoes of all kinds, greens of all kinds, fennel, potatoes, Willamette Valley sweet onions, garlic, sourdough bread, sausage, eggs, honey, jams, and on and on--all from the local area. It's amazing. Supposedly the peaches will start coming in this next week, though it wasn't a good year for peaches. Oh well. Getting on into fall the apples will start appearing, and so will the fresh cider. Yum. It definitely makes it easy to cook a healthy vegetarian dinner!